

seal teh floor with Acrydur 526

How to install our systems?
Acrydur™ reactive floor coatings are floor - coating - systems based on Methylmethacrylate (MMA) which are suitable for new buildings, renovation, modernization of almost every floor. The fast curing time (ca. 2 hours) and the installation even at low temperatures down to -30º C made Acrydur™ - floor - coating a well - established system for renovation in many industries:
Shops, restaurants, hospitals, kitchens and all kind of food industry facilities. Terraces, hotel kitchens etc. are easy and fast to cover with Acrydur™ - floor – coatings.
If you have high requirements on your floor like shock resistance, high mechanically load capacity and hygiene and still don't want to do without the eastethics should take a closer look at the following pages.
Technical data and a multiplicity of the current references as well as test certificates are shown. These makes Acrydur™ since more then 25 years a well known and trusted floor coating system - worldwide.
If You are interested in Acrydur™ coatings contact our general manager Mr. Volkmar Lull.
US mobile: +1 (305) 336-7635